Plesni Teater Ljubljana

Premiere: 08 September 2021 -

Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Creating problems and solutions to non-existent problems can be a special ability. Fear is a basic survival mechanism. A mechanism that is triggered when a person is in danger. Fear is the ability to recognize danger and leads to the decision: to escape or to face danger. This emotion and response are innate in us. We are born with fear. Born with it to protect us from real danger. The real problem arises when people react with fear not only to the actual danger, but also to expected, imaginary dangers. Poor body, it thinks it’s running away from the lion, but it’s just running away from itself. Interestingly, we are able to bring ourselves to high levels of adrenaline without having to face the real danger. Unpredictable times, especially the ones we live in now, display different threats and fears. The performance explores fear as a concept framed in movement, dance, and elements of theatre. A humorous approach to one of the darkest emotions. The performance is self-reflective and addresses all those who are afraid of something, are aware of it, and may even find it unnecessary to be afraid, and yet they are. Feeling fear, really being afraid, and creating fear.

Concept, Choreography & Performance: Jerca Rožnik Novak
Choreography and Mentorship: Damian Cortes Alberti
Original Music: Kaja Janjić (F-RAW Blanca)
Used Music: Verdi- Messa da requiem
Dramaturgy: Zala Dobovšek
Costume Design: Tanja Dađan (KISS THE FUTURE)
Lighting Design and Technical Support: Janko Oven
Producer: Katja Somrak
Produced by: Plesni teater Ljubljana
Supported by: Red Sapata TANZFABRIK Linz, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz
Special Thanks to: Enya Belak, Julio Escudero, Renata Carola Gatica, Ira Goldbeche, Dean Krivačić, Natalija Rožnik, Veronika Valdés, Mitja Vasič, SVŠGUGL