“I want to be part of this piece, because…” is an audition concept from SILK Fluegge. It shows different forms of non-belonging or exclusion which do not only occur at auditions (rejection, confrontation of jury and contestant) but also in the public space (who observes whom?). The goal of this contemporary urban performance is to unveil how the selection process works and to motivate a public discussion about the evaluation and production system in this particular field. For instance, who makes it to the next round, and why? What importance does this have to everyone involved?
Choreography and Concept: Silke Grabinger
Dramaturgy: Ludwig Felhofer
Production Manager: Olga Swietlicka / Sandra Krampelhuber
Production Team: Sandra Eidenberger
Video: Alice Hulan, Amabel Thomas, Magdalena Schlesinger
Performance: Jerca Rožnik Novak, Alexander Grgic,Patrick Gutensohn, Gergely Dudas, Ludwig Felhofer, Silke Grabinger, Sophia Grabinger, Magdalena Schlesinger, Adelina Nita, Emil Felhofer.
Friendly supported by B-Girl Circle
Production SILK Fluegge and cooperation with Pflasterspektakel Linz