What will you do when you will be given a tool to change or stop the scene that is happening right in front of you?
If you had a medium that could effect change, would you use it?
LEADER was premiered in 2013 at Movement Research at the Judson Church in New York by performer and choreographer Silke Grabinger. This version is an evening long group performance with a special relationship to the audience.
Do we dare to take up a position when it comes to politically sensitive matters? Is it the same to shake someone’s hand or to be informed about him/her by the media?
What is our expectation towards a LEADER? What is our gender-imagery for someone who presumes to indicate their places to others and direct a situation? How does our idea of certain minorities and groups look like? Do habit and imagery change with the generations? Are we able to intervene, to form our own opinions and to break with established view points? Or are we subject to familial and cultural programming? What if the spectator holds the instrument that allows intervention, change and detaining of something?
Concept and Choreography: Silke Grabinger
Performers: Ahmet Aydin, Lukasz Czapski, Silke Grabinger, Michaela Hulvejová, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Olga Swietlicka
Production Manager / Choreographic Assistant: Olga Swietlicka
Dramaturgy: Angela Vadori
Light Design& Visuals: Peter Thalhamer
Video/DVD: Magdalena Schlesinger